Community Council Agenda
November 8, 2022
3:00 p.m. GVES Conference room
- Review/approve last month minutes
- Year to Date spending
- Wellness Policy
- Christmas celebrations
- Questions…. Concerns
- Thank you!!!!!
- Training if you want to attend
TRAINING FOR COUNCIL MEMBERS: You may be new to your school council or may want to understand changes to council work from last school year. Please join us in one of the following training meetings at the link provided. These trainings will also be recorded and will be available for viewing on YouTube.
The School Children’s Trust will provide online training for council members on the following dates:
- Nov. 9 (12-1 pm)
- Nov. 9 (7-8 pm)
- Nov. 14th (12-1 pm)
- Nov. 14th (7-8 pm)
This is the link to join a training: