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Gunnison Valley High School Student Handbook 

Mission Statement Cafeteria  Fighting Quarter Policy Use of Buildings
Expected Conduct Cheating Fines for Textbooks Release Time Vandalism
Accidents Class Schedule Fire Drills Safe Schools Vending Machines
Affection Classroom Fundraising Sexual Harassment Visitors
Substances Cell Phones Hazing Skateboards Weapons
Assemblies Dances Halls Sluffing Disclosure
Attendance Policy Dress Standards Library/Computer Lab Speech Resource Officer
Parking Expected Outcomes Internet Stealing ELL
Bus Riding Extra-curricular  Lockers Student Body Cards


Mission Statement

Gunnison Valley High School’s mission is to provide quality education and support for students, develop basic competencies, increase effective social skills, and promote good citizenship.

Expected Conduct of Gunnison Valley High School Students

 To Be Bulldog STRONG always by
Providing SERVICE
Working as a TEAM and getting involved
Showing RESPECT to yourself, your school and your community
Taking OWNERSHIP of your choices
Being NICE to everyone all the time


When an accident occurs, it must be reported at once to the teacher in charge, who will then report it to the principal and fill out an accident report form. Parents/Guardians will be immediately notified of these accidents.


Public display of affection will not be tolerated within the building, during school activities, or on the campus. Holding hands is the limit. Respect each other as young men and ladies should.

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs

Possession or use of any illegal drug by students is prohibited on any school property or in any building owned or operated by Board of Education or while representing Gunnison High School in any fashion. Regardless of the student's age, it is illegal to use, or to have in possession alcohol, tobacco (including chew, vapes, etc.), or illegal drugs. The penalty for possession or use of tobacco is a $50.00 fine, 1 day suspension, and a referral to Juvenile Court. Violations of alcohol and/or drugs will be turned over to the local civil authorities. Violators may also be expelled or suspended from school or placed on a Home School program. Non-Tobacco snuff and vaping paraphernalia is not allowed on school property. It will be dealt with as though it were a tobacco product. Gunnison High School follows district policies JHB and JFCI. Tobacco products are not allowed within 1000 feet of the school property.


Assemblies are a regularly scheduled part of the curriculum and are designed to be educational as well as entertaining experiences. They provide one of the few opportunities in school to learn formal audience behavior. Regardless of the type of program, courtesy demands that the STUDENT BODY be respectful and appreciative. Yelling, screaming, whistling, etc., is not appropriate at assemblies. Those students who misbehave during an assembly will be removed immediately from that assembly, and miss the next assembly, also. Attendance at assemblies is MANDATORY for all students and faculty members. Students who sluff an assembly will receive the same punishment as if they had sluffed a class. Students may not sit on the back two rows. For the year end assembly if you are NOT a senior and you check out early from school, you forfeit your award monies.  Award monies will be re-allocated.

Attendance Policy 

Class attendance is a joint responsibility shared by the student, parent/guardian, and school personnel. The attendance policy is intended to hold the student accountable for his/her attendance, advisory period included. The purpose of this policy is to encourage academic success.

Each teacher has and will enforce a grading policy that addresses attendance and tardies which include negative consequences for excessive absences and tardies. In addition to this policy, teachers will hold a conference with all students who are absent four times in one quarter. If the student is absent an additional two times, he/she will be sent to the assistant principal’s office where they will jointly work with the parents to improve the attendance problem. Attendance pertains to any school period regular class, coop (advisory), assemblies etc. 


Absence, any time a student misses more than twenty minutes of class.

Tardy, any time a student enters the classroom after the bell (Students should be at their seat or station when the bell rings).

Truancy/Sluffing, when a student is absent from school and a parent does not give the school prior notice. When a student leaves campus without checking out with the office. Any time a student misses any part of class without proper authorization from the teacher or school officials.


Tardy: Two tardies equal one absence. Five tardies in a class during the semester will result in restitution. Every tardy after that the student will be assessed another 1/2 hour of restitution time. Teachers will be assigned as supervisors over restitution.

Truancy/Sluff: One truancy equals two absences. Miss the next scheduled extra-curricular activity. Can't make up for missed work.

Absence: The equivalent of 8 absences in a class during the same semester excused or not, (involvement in extracurricular activities are not counted towards this number) will result in the withholding of credit for that class period. An NG (no grade) for that class period will appear on the next report card. The grade and credit will be restored when restitution is complete. If the equivalent of 10 absences in a semester (80%) is reached, the credit may be lost. 

At any time, the administration reserves the right to impose any proper intervention, including in-school suspension, service hours, out of school suspension, youth court; that would have a potential positive effect on the student’s attendance.

Steps to Follow When You Are Absent 

The parent or guardian should phone the school and inform the office of the absence within one school day.

If no phone contact has been made the day of the absence, the parent or guardian must send a signed, dated note excusing his/her child when the child returns to school the next day. (A student will have one school day beyond his/her return to deliver a parental excuse note.) If no note or phone call is received within this one day grace period, the student will be issued a sluff.

All students who arrive at school after it has begun, must report to the office before going to class. These students must account for their late arrival by a signed, dated note and/or a phone call home.

If a student wishes to check out of school once it has started, he/she must report to the office and have a signed, dated note or use the office phone and call home and get excused "BEFORE" leaving the campus. This is especially true when a student becomes sick during the school day. No student may leave school without "PRIOR" parental permission. Parents should contact the office and not the student directly and the office will notify the student directly. 

In all instances where a student has been in attendance during the morning or afternoon session and leaves the campus without checking out through the office, the absence shall automatically be treated as a sluff. This includes when a student attends school until noon and then does not show up for his/her afternoon classes.  Such absences may not be excused later by a note or phone call.

Students who are caught using forged notes or making fraudulent phone calls will be issued a sluff.

Monitoring Daily Attendance

Students who are absent from a class without a proper excuse will be issued a sluff. Parents will be notified of a sluff by a phone call or a note sent home through the mail.

To monitor daily attendance, teachers enter attendance every period via computer.

Students are expected to be to class on time. Students who are habitually tardy could be handled by one or more of the following: 1) individually by the teacher, 2) referral to the principal by the teacher followed by a parent conference, 3) temporarily suspended from participating in extra-curricular activities and/or attending activities such as ball games, dances, etc. 4) arrange to make-up time either before or after school, 5) issued a sluff, 6) suspended, 7) making a class or schedule change and/or 8) working service hours for the school. 9) Credit will be withheld until made up or permanently withheld. 

Students who leave the campus during lunch, are expected to be back to school on time, habitual tardiness after lunch will not be tolerated.

The parent/guardian(s) shall have the right to due process and have the right to appeal circumstances in regards to excessive absences and/or truancies, or possible court referral to the School’s Attendance Appeals Committee (i.e. principal, assistant principal, counselor, youth court representative) or to the School Board. Parents/guardians within ten calendar days from when they receive school notification.


Automobiles and Parking Lot

Students who drive a vehicle to school must obey the following rules:

Park in student parking areas. (Obey the signs.)

Speeding or careless driving on the school grounds will not be permitted. Speed is 10 mph on school property.

Do not park in the areas marked in RED or in the handicapped stalls. Violations of parking or improper use of vehicles on school property will be dealt with by civil authorities.

No guns or weapons are allowed in any vehicle on school property.

Student parking areas are designated as those South of school in the main parking lot, West of the gymnasium, and West of the baseball field. (Six parking spots)

Faculty parking areas are the areas between the school and the Seminary building (North, East, and South); the front row of the main parking lot; those parking spots north of the main building on the west side; and those parking spots east of the auditorium/band room area. Students Are Not Allowed in Faculty Zones.

All areas that have designated as RED ZONES, and those areas designated as HANDICAPPED ZONES, are NO PARKING areas.

Those parking spots located South of the big gym, along the edge of the lawn area used by the P.E. classes, are NO PARKING zones during the school day.

Due to the high incidence of minor traffic collisions, and the possibility for severe pedestrian injury to students accessing the field area during school hours, this area must be kept clear of vehicles from 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.

Students who violate this parking policy will be towed at the owner's expense. Students who part or drive on the lawn will be given a ticket.

Parking spaces are adequate at the school for all who drive to the campus. Make sure you are in a proper parking spot, with parking lines on both sides of your vehicle. 

Bus Riding Rules

All buses to games, or field trips are scheduled by the school and each bus is under the direction of a faculty member. All students are required to return to the school on their assigned bus, unless prior arrangements have been made before ever leaving the school. (Students will be released only to parents, not to other students.) Fighting, throwing, yelling, vulgar language, or inappropriate gestures/behavior on any bus will not be tolerated. Violators may be suspended from school and will not be allowed to ride the bus permanently or until other arrangements can be made. 

SERIOUS BEHAVIOR is when anyone is endangered in a serious way. Any problem that threatens the immediate safety of students on the bus. The individual student involved will be suspended from the bus. No soda pop or sunflower seeds are allowed on buses.

Cafeteria and Lunchroom

If students choose to eat school lunch, they must abide by the cafeteria rules. Students who throw food, litter, or don't dispose of food/trays properly will be denied services.

Students who bring their own lunch to school must eat it in the lunch room.

Students who leave the campus for lunch must be back in time for class. Arriving late to class after lunch hour, will not be tolerated.


Whether you give or receive information during an exam or on an assignment, the offense is the same. You will receive a ZERO for the work. All work needs to be of the individual student, and disciplinary action will be taken for plagiarism, including the use of AI technology.

Class Schedule

All students who attend GVHS must be classified as full-time students, or be on track to graduate. Freshmen and sophomores may not sign up for 2 PE/Weightlifting classes or work-based learning.


No drinks other than water are allowed in classrooms. All students are expected to comply with all requests of teachers regarding classroom control and discipline as well as academic work. No student is permitted to leave the classroom without permission of the teacher. If a student does leave without permission, he/she will be given a sluff.

Students who are kicked out of a class for improper behavior will be sent directly to the vice-principal's office. They will be dealt with in at least one of the following ways: 1) parents will be called. 2) the student will be suspended from school. 3) the student will not participate in the next dance, activity, or game 4) the student will be put on an in-school suspension program 5) the student will be placed on a home school program, etc. Students should respect and obey the request of SUBSTITUTE teachers the same as their regular teachers.

Classroom Interruptions/Cell phones

Students are not permitted to interrupt a classroom for another student without written permission from the office. Students will not be taken out of classroom for a phone call unless it pertains to a family emergency and family emergencies will be directed through the office.

Confiscation of Device

For each observed violation of this policy, it shall be the duty of the school teacher or administrator observing the violation to immediately confiscate the interfering device. Furthermore, the school may take additional disciplinary action as needed. The confiscated device shall be forwarded to the office together with the name of the person from whom the device is confiscated.

Disciplinary Actions

First violation: Depending upon the nature of the violation and the imposition of other appropriate disciplinary action, consequences at a minimum may include a relinquishment of the electronic device to the school administration. The electronic device shall remain in the possession of the school administration until the end of the school day. The first violation and all subsequent violations shall be logged in the office.

Second violation: Depending upon the nature of the violation and imposition of other appropriate disciplinary action, consequences at minimum may include relinquishment of the electronic device to the school administration. The electronic device shall remain in the possession of the school administration until the end of the school day.  Only the parent or guardian can pick up the device. It will remain in the office until the parent or guardian can pick it up.

Third violation: Depending upon the nature of the violation and imposition of other appropriate disciplinary action, consequences at minimum may include relinquishment of the electronic device to the school administration. The electronic device shall remain in the possession of the school administration until the end of the school day. The school will charge a $15 fee to return the electronic device to the student. The device will need to be picked up by the parent or guardian.

Fourth violation: Depending upon the nature of the violation and imposition of other appropriate disciplinary action, consequences at minimum may include relinquishment of the electronic device to the school administration. The electronic device shall remain in the possession of the school administration until the end of the school day. The school will charge a $15 fee to return the electronic device to the student. The device will need to be picked up by the parent or guardian. A parent conference will be scheduled to discuss habitual disruptive behavior.

Fifth violation: Depending upon the nature of the violation and imposition of other appropriate disciplinary action, consequences at minimum may include relinquishment of the electronic device to the school administration. The electronic device shall remain in the possession of the school administration until the end of the school day. The school will charge a $15 fee to return the electronic device to the student. The device will need to be picked up by the parent or guardian. The student will be referred to juvenile court (we can refer for this) and charged as habitually disruptive.

Students are not allowed to have any non-school issued electronic device including but not limited to cell phones, headphones, tablets, etc. (watches are ok as long as they are only being used to tell time) in class. 


School Dances are a part of the total school program and all rules, regulations and policies that govern us during school will also be in effect at our dances, including the dress code.

  1. Middle School Students (6th-7th-8th) will not be permitted to attend Senior High dances.
  2. Prices for all dances must be approved by the principal. 
  3. Students who leave the dance must pay again to re-enter.
  4. No moshing, slam dancing, body surfing, or any other dangerous or inappropriate activity.
  5. Students involved in a fight at a dance will be referred to Juvenile Court and not allowed to attend the next two extra curricular activities. 
  6. GVHS Dances will be restricted to GVHS students only, unless otherwise advertised, or unless the student has prior authorization from administration from both schools.  Must have permission form signed and turned in prior to the dance. 


Dress Standards

The following dress standards will be enforced at school, dances, ball games, and all other activities. Please refer to SSSD policy JFCA

I. Wearing apparel should be clean and modest.

II. Hair should be clean and well-groomed. Dyeing or gelling in extreme colors (blue, green, purple, bright red, etc.) is not allowed, nor is outlandish hairstyles.

Specific interpretations of these principles include the following guidelines:


1.  All clothing must be clean and modest.

2.  Undergarments must be completely covered at all times. No see through clothing or holes that show underclothing. 

3.  The length of shorts, skirts, etc. must be modest and can not be shorter than 2” above the knee

4.  Shirts, blouses, tops, dresses, and other such clothing shall be modest (not see-through) and cover the midriff, back, sides, and undergarments at all times; (as a guideline) have necklines that are not lower than a straight line from the top of the underarm across to opposite underarm;

5.  Necklines must not be lower than top of underarms across and have sleeves that cover the shoulders; and be worn correctly and buttoned properly.

6.  No holes (no skin showing) above where the fingertips naturally hang.

7.  No pajamas or other sleeping attire.

8.  No excessively baggy clothing/apparel.

9.  No tight-fitting spandex-type pants, biker shorts, tights, leotards, etc. may be worn as outer garments. 

10. No advertisements, pictures, references, writings, or promotions of harmful and illegal substances (tobacco, drugs, alcohol, etc.); violent acts; or references to gangs are prohibited on all clothing and personal belongings.

11. No obscene, lewd, sexual innuendos, racial, ethnic, indecent, vulgar, violent, or inappropriate sayings, writing, diagrams, or pictures are allowed on clothing or personal belongings, eg., notebooks, backpacks, gym bags, water bottles, lockers, badges, patches, etc.

Head Gear

1.  The following head coverings will not be allowed to be worn in school buildings during regular school hours: bandanas, hooded shirts or coats, sweat bands, etc. Religious exemptions will be allowed in accordance with the SSSD policy JFCA.

2.  Sunglasses, headphones of any kind, or a hood may not be worn in the classrooms or in the school, including on the top of your head. 


  1. Hair shall be clean, neatly groomed, off the eyes, free from obscuring the face and free from restricting vision.
  2. Facial hair (beards, mustaches and sideburns) should be well-groomed, neat and clean.
  3. Hair color shall be within the spectrum of natural hair. Modest color streaks may be allowed.
  4. Hairstyles and colors that are so conspicuous, extreme, or odd shall not be allowed when they draw undue attention, or distraction.


1.  Safe and appropriate footwear must be worn at all times to ensure personal safety and good hygiene.

2.  Shoes, boots, and sandals (with back-straps or heels) are considered appropriate footwear.

3.  No skate shoes, bedroom slippers, or bare feet are allowed at any time.

It is strongly recommended that flip-flops (rubber or plastic-type shower shoes) not be worn to school due to health and safety concerns.

Piercing and Tattoos

1.  Conservative ear piercing is permitted.

2.  No facial piercing, tongue piercing, gauging, or nose piercing.

3.  Extreme piercing and accessories that interfere with the educational process or pose a health or safety issue must be removed and disruptive, offensive tattoos must be covered.

 III.  Administrators, teachers and advisors have the authority to determine or add specific standards as warranted or as the need and discretion arises.

IV. The parents/guardian of any student who fails to observe Dress and Grooming Standards will be notified. The Student will then be required to change to acceptable dress and/or grooming. For the second infraction, the student will either be suspended, receive restitution, or will not be allowed to attend the next two extra-curricular activities.

V. A student who is habitually breaking the dress code will be referred to Juvenile court as habitually disruptive.

Expected Outcomes

Under Utah state law, students may be expelled or suspended for the following:

  • frequent disobedience
  • disruptive behavior
  • foul, profane, vulgar, or abusive language
  • willful destruction of school property
  • immediate significant threat to welfare, safety, or morals to students, school personnel, or to operation of school
  • possession, control, or use of an alcoholic beverage
  • offenses against student or staff that occur off school premises

The following incidents require suspension or expulsion:

  • drug, weapon, or other serious offenses occurring at school activities
  • misdemeanor or felony class force or threatened force

Weapon offenses require expulsion for a full calendar year unless modified by the district superintendent on a case by case basis.

Extra-curricular Activities

The following activities at Gunnison Valley High School are considered extra-curricular:

   Volleyball, Football, Basketball, Wrestling, Tennis, FFA, FBLA, FHA, Speech, Band, Chorus, NHS, Baseball, Drill Team, Track, Softball, Drama, Orchestra, Field Trips, Upward Bound, Cheerleading, Golf, Soccer, Swimming, Student Council, Debate

Everyone has something he/she can contribute to the success of our activities, and being a small school, we need this total commitment from the STUDENT BODY. In order for any student to participate and represent Gunnison Valley High School in any extra-curricular activity, he/she must adhere to the following rules:

1.  No student shall be eligible to represent GVHS if he/she fails a class in the preceding grading period. Students who are failing during the current grading period will be put on a two week probation academic plan to become eligible to represent GVHS in extracurricular activities. Students are allowed one, two week probation academic plan per quarter. An incomplete "I" grade is considered failing until it is made up. (An incomplete needs to be made up within 2 weeks after the student receives the report card.) A "NG" grade is considered a Failing Grade. No student may represent the school with an "I" or an "NG" or an "F" on their report card.

2.  To be eligible to represent GVHS, a student must earn a 2.5 GPA in the preceding grading period. Seminary grades do not apply. As per the UHSAA students must be a full time student of GVHS/or an equivalent platform to be eligible to participate or represent GVHS (administration will evaluate cases individually). 

3. Students and their parents must read and sign the Extra-Curricular Activities Guide before participating. It is the Coaches', Advisors', and/or Athletic Director's responsibility to see that this is done.

4. Transportation will be furnished by the South Sanpete School District to all approved activities in which they participate. No student will be given permission to drive his/her own vehicle to a school-sponsored activity.

5.  Students attending any activity sponsored by the school must go and come back in the same vehicle. Any exception must be cleared before hand by the coach, advisor, and/or principal.

6.  Any student suspended, or who is on probation, will not participate or atend in any activity for the duration of the suspension or probation.

7.  Any student who sluffs will not be allowed to participate in at least one or more of the next scheduled activities or games, as according to the discretion of the administration.

8. Any absence, on a game/activity day, not approved by the principal or designee, will result in loss of the right to participate in that day's event.

9.  When the coach, advisor, or principal have determined that a violation of the rules may have occurred, the principal will notify the participant by letter and/or phone call.  

    A.  A review committee (made up of the principal, coach or advisor, vice principal, & athletic director) will review the violation and issue a penalty they deem necessary to help the participant, school, and the overall program.  Violation for using any form of alcohol, tobacco, and/or drugs, participating in any form of gambling, will result in the following action to be taken:

  1.  Alcohol and tobacco:  Dismissal from team unless otherwise specified.  2. Drugs:  Dismissal from the team.  3.  Gambling:  Consequences will be per player agreement.

    B.  In violations such as shoplifting, theft, vandalism, degrading conduct or behavior, and other instances where a participant has broken the law, the participant will automatically be suspended from game play until the matter is totally resolved by school and/or police officials.  When the matter is totally resolved, the review committee will determine whether to reinstate the participant, dismiss him/her from the team, issue a short term suspension, or issue other suitable disciplinary action depending upon the severity of the crime. (participants who are arrested or charged for any crime would fit into this category.)

10.  GVHS Music Eligibility- Music students may participate in quarterly concert performances as performance is a core standard as part of the curriculum.  Students must be academically eligible to participate in any extracurricular music activities including but not limited to UHSAA sponsored music festivals that take place in the spring each school year.

11. Gunnison Valley High School recognizes the intricacies of the fine arts program and its role in the overall development of students. Policies related to fine art students missing school and student athletes missing school while participating in extracurricular activities vary. In a situation with no student replacement options, fine art students will be allowed to participate in the extracurricular activity and alternative consequences will be applied. A review committee (composed of the principal, vice principal, & play director) will review the violation and issue a consequence the committee deems necessary for the participant, school, and the overall program. The same review committee will also decide if there is a suitable replacement to fill the students role.

It's essential for schools to strike a balance between fostering students' participation in extracurricular activities and ensuring that they meet their academic responsibilities. Clear communication, flexibility, and a focus on the overall well-being and development of students are key components of successful policies related to fine arts participation.


Fighting is a dangerous practice that will not be tolerated in the building, on school grounds or at activities. Students involved in fights (first time) will be suspended from school for 1-3 days, and the police will contacted to conduct a police report. This police report will be reviewed by the county attorney who will then determine if charges will be filed for disorderly conduct or assault. In the event that an incident occurs between two students, and it is verified that only one of he two parties actually perpetrated hits, blows, slaps, etc., it will be up to the discretion of the school administration to determine whether to suspend one or other parties involved and the length of the suspension. The second offense for fighting is a 3-5 day suspension and a police referral, a third offense will result in a 5-10 day suspension, a police referral, and/or a referral to the Alternative School.

Fines for Damaged Textbooks

The following fines will be issued to students in regards to district books that are damaged:

  1. A lost book or destroyed (1-2 yrs. old) a Full Replacement cost of book.
  2. A lost book or destroyed (3-5 yrs. old) a Half Replacement cost of book.
  3. A lost book or destroyed (6 yrs. or older) a Fourth Replacement cost of book.
  4. New books (1-2 yrs old) that are damaged: (torn pages, water, sun, graffiti, etc.) $10.00 However, if the damage is so great that the book is not useable, the student will pay the full replacement cost of the book.
  5. Other books (3 yrs. or older) that are damaged: (torn pages, water, sun, graffiti, etc.) $5.00 However, if the damage is so great that the book is not useable, the student will pay half replacement cost of the book.

Fire Drills

The alarm for a fire is a unique fire siren. At the sounding of the alarm, the building will be evacuated immediately. Students should file out quickly and in an orderly fashion. Teachers will take attendance once the students are outside.

No lighters and/or matches are allowed on school property. These items will be confiscated and not returned.

(NOTE: It is a misdemeanor to set off a false fire alarm. Any person caught setting off a false fire alarm will be referred to juvenile court, fined, and suspended.)

Fund Raising

All fund raising and advertising (selling of ads) must be approved by the principal BEFORE advisors and/or students are allowed to use the school's name. Clubs and other organizations within the school are allowed to run only one fund raiser per school year.

Harassment and Discrimination Free Learning Plan


Hazing and initiation activities that involve hazing are abusive and illegal behaviors that harm victims and negatively impact school environment by creating an atmosphere of fear, distrust, and mean-spiritedness. Any student who participates in hazing, will face immediate disciplinary action, which may include, but not limited to, verbal reprimand and/or probation, suspension from school, loss of participation or exclusion from extra-curricular activities, and/or expulsion.  


Students are welcome to sit in the halls before school and during lunch hour. Students may not sit in the commons area during class breaks. However, any student who creates an obstacle to those trying to pass through the halls (i.e. legs stretched out, circles of students blocking pathways) will be warned once, and on any subsequent occasion where the violation might occur, will be accorded to the same penalty that accompanies individuals guilty of sluffing. (Loss of activity, etc.) 

Library/Computer Lab/Internet

No food of any kind is allowed in the library/computer lab. To be in the library/lab during class time, a student must have a pass or written note from his/her teacher. Noisy, rowdy behavior will result in loss of privilege to use these rooms. Teachers must accompany their classes to the library/computer lab and supervise them. Parents may not excuse their son/daughter from school to work in the lab/library/shop, etc... The lab is open from 7:45-3:45 M-F. Students must sign an Internet Agreement before being allowed to use it. Misuse of the Internet will be dealt with according to the Internet Agreement listed below.

Penalties for Improper Use of Internet

1.  Any user violating these rules, applicable state and federal laws, posted classroom and district rules, particularly accessing pornographic materials, chat lines, etc.. is subject to loss of network privileges and any other district disciplinary options. The first offense will get an automatic suspension from school for two days, the second offense will be a one year suspension from Internet. On the third offense, the student will lose Internet privileges for the remainder of the school career. (Students who access inappropriate sites containing questionable material, will be given a verbal warning and a one day suspension at the discretion of the teacher/administrator.)

2.  In addition, pursuant to State of Utah law, any unauthorized access, attempted access, or use of any state computing and/or network system is a violation of the Utah Penal Code and/or other applicable federal laws, and is subject to criminal prosecution.


Valuables other than books should not be kept in the school lockers. Lockers are rented to the students, and the administration reserves the right for periodic checks. Students are cautioned not to bring large amounts of money to school. No food or drinks (opened) are allowed in school lockers. Students who abuse their locker, do not follow locker rules, or do not keep it clean will not have a locker.

Quarter Policy 

  1. Classes will be on a quarter basis with 1/4 credit being given each grading period. This includes work-base learning, trade tech, etc..
  2. Students will register for ALL of their classes at the end of each year and receive their schedule before school is out. They will also receive another copy of their schedule a few days before school begins in August. A $10.00 Class Change Fee will be assessed for class changes made after school begins. In most cases, class changes will be difficult due to limited enrollment. All class changes must be verified through a parent/guardian.
  3. Failing Notices will be sent out in the middle of each quarter prior to the parent conference which will be held each quarter for ½ day.
  4. Even though the classes are graded quarterly, all of the classes will be set up on a semester or full year basis. This will make it almost impossible to change classes after 1st or 3rd quarters unless it is teacher initiated and approved by a parent/guardian.
  5. Drill Team, Cheerleading go through 3rd quarter and Student Government will be all year.
  6. Ed Net classes or other college classes will be on a semester basis. However, if a student is not doing well and drops one of these classes, he/she will be enrolled in a regular high school class for the rest of the quarter or semester.
  7. Students who make class changes after the 2nd day of a quarter will be charged the $10.00 change fee unless the change is teacher or administrator initiated. Class changes will not be allowed after 2 weeks into the grading period.

Conservative ear and nose piercings are permitted

  1. No facial piercing, tongue piercing, gauging, or ring type nose
  2. Extreme piercing and accessories that interfere with the educational process or pose a health or safety issue must be removed, and disruptive, offensive tattoos must be covered.

Release Time

Students scheduled for seminary must be in attendance and not on the high school premises or at other locations. Students who abuse the privilege to attend seminary will be re-assigned another high school course. Students who take early morning Seminary must still take a full schedule at the high school.

Safe Schools

(Safe Schools Policy JH 12/8/04)

I. Philosophy:

The Board of Education of South Sanpete School District recognizes that every student in the schools should have the opportunity to learn in an environment which is safe, conducive to the learning process, and free from unnecessary disruption. Every student is expected to follow rules of conduct, and to show respect for the personal, civil, and property rights of all members in the school community. Parents/Guardians are expected to assume proper legal responsibility for their student's behavior, cooperate with school officials in encouraging student self-discipline, and discourage behavior that is disruptive to the District's Educational Program.


Sexual Harassment

South Sanpete School District has the following policy in place which addresses Sexual Harassment:

Sexual Harassment may include but not be limited to the following:

  1.    Verbal harassment or abuse (Stalking).

  2.    Inappropriate patting or pinching. 

  1. Intentional brushing up against another person.
  2. Any unwelcome sexually motivated touching or language.

Harassment complaints should be reported to the Principal or Vice Principal. All complaints will be documented in writing and one or more of the following disciplinary steps will be taken: Verbal warning, suspension from school, expulsion from school, referral to juvenile court, mandatory counseling, notify police, etc.

Skateboards, Lasers, Hackey Sacs, Roller Blade.

These items are not allowed on school property during the day or at evening activities; including ball games, concerts, dances, etc.. Headphones are only allowed before school, during lunch, and after school.

Sluffing (Truancy)

  The following situations will be classified as a sluff:

  1. Absence from school without permission an/or knowledge of parents, guardian, or school.
  2. When a student has been in attendance during the morning or afternoon session and leaves the campus without checking out through the office.
  3. The cutting of an individual class.
  4. Leaving class (without the teacher's permission) after the class has begun.
  5. Leaving school without proper authorization from parent or guardian, (Phone call or note) and checking out through the office.
  6. Attending school until noon and then not returning for the afternoon session. (Students must have "prior" permission to do this either by a note or phone call. (Notes and phone calls will not be accepted at the end of the day or the next day.)
  7. Obtaining a pass or permission to go a certain place and not reporting there.
  8. Leaving the campus during an assembly, activity, etc.
  9. When a student has been absent the entire day and no note or phone call was received by the school within the one day "Grace" period.

 Discipline for Sluffing

Parents will be notified as soon as possible when a sluff occurs. (By phone if possible, if not by a letter.)

 First Offense:

In addition to receiving no credit for the work missed in the class(es) sluffed, he/she will also be disciplined in the following ways:

  1. Miss the next scheduled extra-curricular activity.
  2. Can’t make up work missed.
  3. Will not play or participte in the next athletic event.

Second, Third, Fourth, Etc. Offenses:

1.  Each time a student sluffs, he/she will not be allowed to make up the assignments or tests missed.

2.  The punishment for sluffing (truancy) will increase for each additional time a student sluffs. The following disciplinary actions will be used for students who habitually sluff: 

  1. Parents will be required to meet with the principal before the student may return to school.
  2. The student will be suspended (In-School or Out-of-school)for 1-5 days, depending upon number of sluffs. (School work can be made up while a student is suspended, but not the work missed when the sluff actually occurred..)
  3. Participants in extra-curricular activities will be suspended from participating in the next 2 games or activities.
  4. Students not in extra-curricular activities will be suspended from two dances, ball games, activities, etc... at the discretion of the administration.
  5. The student could be placed on 5-10 days of HOME STUDY program. (In this program, the student is sent home to be in the custody of his parent/guardian. The student is permitted to do his school work, but under no condition may the student be on school property during this time.)
  6. A change in class schedule.
  7. In-school Suspension.
  8. Counseling
    1. Other options as deemed appropriate by the principal based upon the individual student's needs.
    2. The student and his parent(s)/guardian(s) must meet with the Superintendent before returning to school.
    3. Provide Service Hours for the school.
    4. A formal referral for truancy will be filed with the juvenile court.
    5. When all options to eliminate the sluffing have failed, the student will be referred to the district’s alternative school.


Lewd, vulgar, defamatory or otherwise disruptive language is not acceptable on school property. The use of profanity or obscene language and/or gestures will not be tolerated during the school day or at activities. Any such behavior will be grounds for suspension and/or referral to juvenile court.


Any student who commits, or attempts to commit a theft, or breaking and entering a locker, room, or the school, will be suspended and or referred to civil authorities.

Student Body Cards

Student body cards will be issued when students pay their $20.00 Activity Fee. Cards are required for all student activities and must be shown for FREE admittance to HOME activities (excluding tournament games). Students without cards will be charged the full gate fee for admittance to each HOME athletic event he/she attends. FOR AWAY GAMES, tickets may be discounted at the gate with an activity card and they must pay the full gate fee without a card. Lost cards may be replaced for $5.00.

Use of School Buildings

Students may not use the buildings or facilities before or after school hours (7:45 am to 4:00 pm) unless accompanied and supervised by a teacher. Groups planning to use the gym, shop, auditorium, lights, sound system, stage props, or other facilities should arrange to do so through the faculty advisor and/or principal and use them under his direction.

  Because a student can gain access to a building does not give him/her the right to do so, any more than it would give him/her the right to enter a private home if it were not locked or properly secured. Unauthorized people in the building will be treated as breaking and entering.


Vandalism of school property (lockers, books, equipment, etc.) will be dealt with by one or more of the following disciplinary actions:

  1. Pay restitution based upon repair or replacement cost ($10.00 minimum charge for damage done to a locker.)
  2. Suspension from school
  3. Suspension from activities
  4. Referral to Juvenile Court
  5. Provide Service Hours for the school 

Vending Machines

The Common area will be open for students before school, during lunch, and after school.

All pop (whether it is opened or not), food, and candy are not allowed in the halls, in the classrooms, or in the lockers. All drinks and food items are restricted to the lunchroom or outside the building.

Use of the vending machines is at the risk of the user. The school does not have access to the vending machines if money is lost.

Use machines at your own risk.    

Visitor Policies

Student visitors attending the school during the day is not allowed. All visitors must check into the office when they first arrive on campus. Visitors who are in the school and who have not been cleared through the office will be viewed as trespassers. Trespassing carries a fine of $50.00.



No weapons (guns, knives, etc.) are allowed on school property at any time. Weapons will be confiscated and not returned.   Students who bring weapons on school property will be suspended or expelled (up to one year). Also, a report will be done by the local police and then reviewed by the county attorney to determine further consequences or prosecution. The school will follow the district’s and state’s SAFE SCHOOL POLICY in these matters.


It is the policy of the South Sanpete School district not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, handicap or any other condition as required by various state and federal laws in any educational program or activity.

 The N.C.L.B. requires that military recruiters will be given student addresses upon request unless a parent requests in writing to withhold that information.

South Sanpete School District complies with the No Child Left Behind provision which requires annual notification of educational agencies of their rights and obligations under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

The family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, a federal law, requires that South Sanpete School District, with certain exceptions, obtain your written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your child’s education records. However, South Sanpete may disclose appropriately designated “directory information” without written consent, unless you have advised the district to the contrary in accordance with district procedures. The primary purpose of directory information is to allow the South Sanpete School District to include this type of information from your child’s education records in certain school publications. Directory information, which is information that is not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released, can also be disclosed to outside organizations without a parent’s prior written consent. Outside organizations include, but are not limited to, companies that manufacture class rings or publish yearbooks.

 Section 504 is an Act which prohibits discrimination against persons with a disability in any program that receives federal financial assistance. The Act defines a person with a disability as anyone who:

 Has a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities (major life activities include activities such as caring for one's self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and working).

 In order to fulfill its obligations under Section 504/ADA, the South Sanpete School district recognizes a responsibility to avoid discrimination in policies and practices regarding its personnel and students. No discrimination against any person with a disability will knowingly be permitted in any of the programs and practices in the school system.

 Resource Officer

The Resource Officer (RO) may find it necessary to utilize GVHS computer terminal in order to access school records to obtain information on student identification, attendance, and discipline matters.

Therefore: SSSD shall include the designation of the RO as the school’s law enforcement unit in its annual notification of rights to parents and students under the section concerning the disclosure of information to school officials with a legitimate educational interest in the records so that parents and students will know that information from education records may be disclosed for the purpose related to school safety/security.

Gunnison City and the Gunnison City Police Department agree that the RO, in the course of the officer’s work under this agreement, will only access and utilize information available on the school’s computer for legitimate law enforcement purposes related to school safety/security.


South Sanpete School District provides special education services to students with disabilities and who are in need of special education and related services. Some of these students may also be English Language Learners (ELL). Every effort is made to determine whether an ELL has special needs that require special education and related services. Procedural safeguards ensure that students whose needs can be appropriately met through an alternative language program are not classified as students with disabilities in need of special education and related services.

South Sanpete School District coordinates Individualized Education Programs for students with disabilities with the Language Development Program, thereby ensuring that students with disabilities who are also ELLS receive an appropriate educational program.

See IDEA section in the district policy for the special education referral process. 

NOTE: Failure to succeed in an alternative language program shall constitute one intervention. At least one grading period of correct implementation of the alternative language program is required unless the student's physical or cognitive disabilities are apparent. 

South Sanpete School District is committed to providing English Language Learners meaningful opportunities to participate in special programs and services to the maximum extent appropriate.

Any person having inquiries concerning ELL, please contact the principal of your school.