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March Digital Citizenship Resources:

A New Responsibility for School Community Councils

Summary of Responsibilities

The intent of HB 213 Safe Technology Utilization and Digital Citizenship in Public Schools is to involve school community councils in an on-going discussion (at least annually) about creating a safe technology environment for students in public schools. As with other responsibilities of school community councils, it is intended that administrators, staff, and parents engage together to bring about the best possible result for students.

The State Board Rule R277-491 requires a report to the councils from the district and school level administration about the technology and training that is currently in place at your district and school. The report will provide some background for the councils to begin a school-specific discussion of safe technology and digital citizenship.

Administration Responsibilities – Report to School Community Councils

The district report should include but may not be limited to:

    What filters are being used and how do they work?

The Districts in the CUES region manages our filtering system.  For more information on how this program filters content see:

    Are there different settings used for different grades and school levels?

Yes there is a level created for Students/Guests and Teachers/Staff.

    What is district filtering policy on frequently used sites such as YouTube, Google Images, Weebly, and etc.?

YouTube, Google Images, Weebly, etc. are filtered through Google safe search

    Are there management systems available (MDM, Chrome management, LanSchool, and etc.) that can add additional control and who accesses those systems?

We use the JAMF system and LanSchool

    What resources does the district provide concerning educating students on safe internet use and digital citizenship?

Every year each student and teacher uses Common Sense Media for digital citizenship training.https://www.commonsensemedia.org/educators/curriculum

We encourage NetSafe and every year an Acceptable Use Policy (Policy ECB) and an iPad Agreement (ECC) is signed by the user to help understand the safe use of the internet.

    What is the protocol in district schools when inappropriate content is accessed for students, employees and parents?

The Acceptable Use Policy (ECB) and iPad Agreement (ECC) outline rules and expectations for iPad use (linked below).  Administrators are responsible for administering consequences for violations based on severity of infraction and District Policy.



    Explanation of district capabilities or inability to change filtering, settings and management tools based on best practices, technological limitations, and funding. Where applicable, districts could include what is provided in connection with e-rate funding.

We do have the ability to change filtering policy or hardware. This is only done after research both on our own and with the other districts in our region as well as others in the state. By using the same hardware across the state we can share information. Filtering is always an ongoing process, always trying to refine what we have and make it server our needs the best we can.  There is NO filtering that is prefect! Always some loop holes and always things to work out.

Schools should add to the district report (at a minimum):

    What devices are being used and how are classes using them?

iPads, desktop computers, and Macbook laptop computers are used for educational purposes.

    What are the main applications, programs, and sites used in different classes, grade levels, and subject areas?

iBooks, Microsoft Suite, Adobe products, Keynote, Pages, Numbers, Canvas and a variety of educational apps that are approved by a school App Committee

    What supervision practices are in place when students are online?

The teacher is to be in the classroom while they are online. LanSchool, Remote Desktop, MDM, and filtering reporter provide filtering and monitoring.

    Are there management tools used that allow teachers to digitally monitor student use or limit access to some applications or sites?

JAMF and filtering

    What are the school rules when inappropriate information appears for students, staff, and parents?  Are there safe reporting procedures for students, staff, and parents so that reporting is safe and encouraged when it happens?

Teachers and administrators encourage students on a regular basis to report inappropriate content.  We discuss how and why this happened so we can close any loopholes. The Acceptable Use Policy (ECC) and the iPad Agreement are available online and encourage reporting.

    How do the school balance access and safety appropriate for the grade levels at your school?

Programs are set to filter according to age level and school level.

    What does the administration see as important opportunities for our students related to constructive, proactive technology use?

They are encouraged by the ability for students to learn good digital citizenship every year they are in school so it can carry over to life when they leave the school system.

    What does the administration see as their greatest threats for your students?

Cyberbullying, and Digital Citizenship

·       What are the policies in place for devices brought from home – tablets, cell phones, etc.?

We use a restrictive wireless guest network that has a tighter filter on it.  Students are strongly encouraged to use school devices so we have more control on protecting the devices and filtering inappropriate content.

    What does the administration see as the greatest threats for our students on the internet or online?

Our biggest concern for students while on the Internet is to keep them safe. Safe from online predators, safe from sharing their personal information, safe from going to inappropriate sites.

    Explanation of training currently provided:

o   To students about digital citizenship and safe use of technology?

Common Sense training, Netsafe, and computer lab direction.

o   To parents and guardians about how to discuss and support digital citizenship and safe technology use with their children and how to report inappropriate content?

Parent meetings are held at schools twice a year in each end of the district or as requested.

Council Responsibilities

Councils may create a subcommittee to help accomplish the following responsibilities entirely or in part and may partner with non-profit organizations to assist in the education components. It is the responsibility of the council to see that the following is completed each year:

    Receive the report from the district and school administration (as described above).

    Discuss the report and decide:

Technology.  If the filtering, management systems, and supervision practices are appropriate.  If not, identify what needs to be addressed in the context of what the school and district are capable of providing under the current filtering and management systems, supervision availability, and financial restrictions. Establish an action plan to address identified concerns.

If student education currently implemented is appropriate and adequate. If not,

identify how it could be strengthened, set goals to improve the education and create an action plan to accomplish the goals.

If the parent/guardian education component currently implemented is

appropriate and adequate. If not, identify how it could be strengthened, set goals to improve the education component and create an action plan to accomplish the goals. Please note: It is the intent that parent education in combination with student education is more effective. It is not the intent to tell parents ‘what to do,’ but rather to offer resources to assist them.

    The council implements the action plans or may delegate portions to be completed with a timeline for reporting back to the council.

There are resources and website links at www.schoollandtrust.org under Councils and Work of Councils to assist school community councils in completing these new responsibilities.
Paula Plant This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
