Monday Dec. 7 3:00 pm
In attendance Mr. King, Mrs. Wilden, Charity Overly, Stephanie Wilden and Cody Dyreng
Welcome Call to order Stepanie
Discussed current expenditures
Discussed next years trustland plan options Math, Science, English specialist that help teachers interpret data and incorporate a plan going forward based on the data. Continuing with math tutors and possibly other tutors. Mrs. Wilden talked about benefits that could come from having specialists help with interrupting data and helping create plans based on the data.
We discussed paying for training towards multiple different teacher needs and to focus on training that helps move GVHS forward with competency based learning.
We discussed what competency based learning is and what it might look like at GVHS.
Adjourned Moved Cody Second Charity Adjourned 3:45 pm