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Business and Marketing
Courses Offered:
A Day:
  1. Sports Marketing (Fall) / Lodging and Recreation (Spring) 
  2. BOS (Fall) / BOS (Spring) - Financial Lit (Fall)
  3. BOS (Fall) / BOS (Spring) 
  4. Financial Lit. (Fall)
B Day:
  1. Prep
  2. Hospitality and Tourism (Fall) / Marketing (Spring)
  3. Business Communication I (Fall) / Business Communication II (Spring)
  4. Business Communication I (Fall) / Business Communication II (Spring)
Suggested Order of Courses:
Utah CTE Pathways:
Club Information:
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Future Business Leaders of America, a 501(c)(3) non profit organization is today's most successful and comprehensive High School leadership organization in America. It lays the needed foundation for every future business leader to succeed in today's and tomorrow's business world. Not only does it teach students about business, or make them experience the real world, but develops the necessary effective leadership style that is required for success.
GVHS Future Business Leaders of America
