GVMS real


Bullying is defined as intimidation.  It can be verbal or non-verbal.  It comes in several forms, such as teasing, frightening, threatening, or physically hurting another individual.  It’s against the law and one of the major concerns of students in American today. 

Generally, boys who bully are physical in their actions; they may push or hit another person.  Often it is done for the laughter and attention the bully is seeking.  Bumping someone into a locker or pushing someone into another person are examples of bullying.

Almost every time it happens, the bully will say something to the effect that he was’ `only playing around ‘  or  ‘didn’t mean anything’ by it.  Those shallow excuses will not be accepted as valid for interfering with the education of others.

Girls usually bully in a different manner.  Girls tend to use rumors and vicious stories as their primary tool against another student.  Things are said that often have a devastating effect on the victim. Words can cause damage that will never be seen. Girls will use friendship and peer pressure to bully. Ostracism is a very common bullying technique among girls.  Obscene notes and letters passed around school are other  girls use against their victims.

If a bully doesn’t stop the tormenting  behavior,  it falls to the school under the law to do whatever is necessary to ensure it doesn’t continue.  These remedies can range from a brief to long term suspension.  If the problem is so severe that the school program is adversely affected, the offender may be suspended from the campus and a teacher will visit the home to provide education.

All it takes to avoid these problems is for students to treat each other with respect.  Be courteous to everyone.  Keep your hands to yourself and your words positive. The school resource officer handles bullying issues.