GVMS real

bus   School Bus   >  SAFETY


  • Make sure you always drop off and pick up your child at the designed bus - stop across the street.  Children can sometimes get excited to see you after school and dart across the road without looking, 
  • Be sure someone responsible walks with your child and waits with them at the bus stoop.  It is not safe for a single child to sit alone for the bus, and it is easier for the driver to see more than one person.
  • Before you leave the house, put everything that your child will need into their backpack so they won't drop items along the way.  Make sure all loose straps, drawstrings, etc. are secured so they won't get caught in the handrail or door of the bus as they are entering or exiting. 
  • If possible dress your child in bright, contrasting colors so drivers can easily see them.  Take extra precaution when they are waiting at the bus stop in the dark.  In cold weather, dress your child in a warm hat instead of having them wear a hood.  Hoods can make it more difficult for them to hear and see traffic as they are crossing the street. 
  • Make sure your child leaves for the bus stop at a reasonable time to avoid rushing or running.
  • Show your child how to walk safely to the bus stop.  Always walk on the sidewalk when possible, stay out of the street.  If you must walk in the road, walk as close to the side of the road as possible, and always walk facing oncoming traffic. 
  • Be mindful of school bus safety when you are on the road.  Watch for blinking amber lights on a school bus, which means it is coming to a stop and be sure to ALWAYS stop when the stop arm is extended.  

